Development Day 8: Success!

I know this is a 7-day roguelike, so putting Day 8 at the top of a post is somewhat odd, but its really a 168-hour roguelike, and I did finish on time.  I am super excited!

It isn't as polished as I had been hoping at the beginning of the week, but then I don't think these things ever are.  It is a playable game, and it is fun enough that I kept getting distracted from developing it by playing it, which is a good sign.

There are still a few things that I'd like to polish up, like an actual main menu, saving/loading games, a score system, and a help screen.  I'd also like to figure out why it is so sluggish, but it is at least playable.

I'll have a proper post-mortem of the week up in a couple of days, now my wife wants to have her husband back.  Go play it and let me know what you think!  :-)


  • Movement with the numpad, arrow keys, or vi keys ("l", "k", "j", "h", "y", "u", "b", "n").  Bump into monsters to attack them.
  • Numpad-5 or period will wait for a turn.
  • Press "w" then a direction to enter walk mode, which will keep moving you in that direction until you press another key. w-5 will wait in one spot for 100 turns.
  • Press "o" to open a door (or just bump into it).
  • Press "c" to close an opened door (you will need to pick a direction if there is more than one opened door next to you).
  • Press "z" to cast a spell
    • Choose a spell from the menu.
    • If necessary, enter a direction with the movement keys or move to select a target location and press Enter to select it.  Tab will jump to the nearest monster in LOS (last-minute addition).
  • Press "f" to forge a new spell, or modify an existing one.
    • Again, follow the menus.
    • When typing the name, press Enter to confirm.
  • Press Alt+Enter to enter/exit fullscreen.
  • Press Escape to quit, then accept at the prompt.  Escape also closes most menus - if not, a selection is required and there is no going back.
  • Bump into the stairs to go down a level, complete three levels to win!


Spellforger 01 - Entry Exam.exe 970 kB
Mar 09, 2019

Get Spellforger 1: Entry Exam

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